How to use Putty for SSH and Telnet client

You want to make secure SSH connection to server, sure you need a client. here i am talking about Putty. PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally for the Windows platform. PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers. There a two ways to connect with server using Putty: 1) Long way (which most people use, i don’t) 2) Short way (Persistent connection)

1) Long way

  • First download putty.
  • Don’t need to install, just double click screen will appear.
  • select protocol Enter ‘’ in the field for ‘Host Name (or IP address)’ and select ‘SSH’ as Protocol and simply press open button.
  • Accept host key If this is the first time. popup will appear. if you press ‘Yes’ PuTTY will store the key and not ask you this question again.
  • Enter username and password after this. import thing password will not appear when enter keywords.

2) Short way

  • You already have downloaded the Putty, just create shortcut of it.
  • Rename it, right click the shortcut and open properties.
  • In the ‘Target’ field add “D:\putty.exe username@hostname/”IP address” -pw Your-password” and Press ‘OK’.
  • Every time you need to connect, open up  this shortcut. this will create a persistent connection with  server.

I prefer short way, it fast and create persistent connection.